Panic Attack Treatment

What are the Symptoms
Panic attacks are sudden and often random bouts of intense anxiety. They often come with little warning and usually at unexpected and irregular time frames.
Panic attacks typically last less than a 10 minutes, though some will experience them for substantially longer periods of time. During that time frame the person may feel they are going crazy, having a nervous breakdown or a heart attack. Many suffering from panic attacks are diagnosed with other anxiety disorders
Criteria for panic attacks
To be classified as a panic attack, four or more of the following symptoms need to occur within a 10 minute time frame:
-Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
-Trembling or shaking
-Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
-Sensations of choking
-Chest pain or discomfort
-Nausea or abdominal distress
-Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
-Feeling detached from oneself or a feeling you are detaching from reality
-Fear of losing control or going crazy
-Fear of dying
-Numbness or tingling sensations)
-Chills or hot flashes
-Rapid breathing
The following have been given as reasons for panic attacks:
- Environmental imbalances or disruptions
- Hereditary
- Biological, which includes numerous mental disorders, tape worms, and inner ear disturbances.
- Serious physical illnesses
- Tendency to be passive, shy or withdrawn
- Tendency to hold on to emotional events
- Intense fears or phobic triggers, negative self dialog and what if thinking
- Significant life changes or traumatic events, such as loss of a partner, abuse or major life transitions
- Substance abuse and substance withdrawal. This includes alcohol, depressants, stimulants, prescription medication, and caffeine
- Improper breathing
Panic attacks by and large are subconscious reactions to unresolved issues, sensitivities or triggers. On the list above only the first few categories are outside personal control. The rest are changeable and where initial efforts should be focused.
Panic Attack Treatment
Designed Thinking has successfully helped clients work through panic attacks and other anxiety related issues. Subconscious conflicts and unresolved issues creating emotional or mental stress can be changed. To find out more about our panic attack treatment, call our toll free number 866-718-9995 and see if Designed Thinking can help you overcome your panic attacks.
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Having had an on and off relationship with panic attacks for many years. Isn’t hereditary causes one of the many reasons for panic attacks? Since they come out of nowhere, what else could they be? I know my mom used to have them.
Thanks for putting up the info.
When it comes to how the mind and body respond to each other, many assumptions are made and regardless of how scientific, reasonable guesses are still guesses. I don’t think I could give a satisfactory answer here, though I may post a blog about hereditary reasons for mental and emotional processes is often a flawed, yet plausible perspective.
I don’t want to change your mind here if you really believe in something. The real standard is finding a workable solution. If you have overcome your panic attacks, great, something you did helped your neurology change how it processed certain internal responses. If you still deal with panic attacks, try a different approach.
Hi There
Thank you for your helpful advice. I have suffered through anxiety associated with irregular heart beats and this is exactly what I’ve needed.Thank you !