Social Anxiety Help

Social Anxiety – Relating Effectively
Social Anxiety has many faces. It can encompass fears of public speaking, confrontations, dealing with authority figures and of course uncomfortable social situations. Contributing factor to social anxiety include low self esteem, unhealthy perspectives of relating to others and elevated aversions to embarrassment, judgment or criticism.
Those suffering from social anxiety are often quite aware their fears are unwarranted and illogical. But on the emotional side, sensitivity levels are raised. Simple situations become personal burdens and. avoidance is not the answer.
Restructuring Self Worth and Identity
Many misunderstand the concept of relationships. Plain and simple, relationships are about relating, to oneself and others. Self worth is the value we give ourselves and identity is how categorize ourselves. Intertwined with this are many layers of emotional and mental pattern, all contributing to the complexity of our own self esteem. At Designed Thinking, our approach revolves around helping individuals deconstruct their fears and non-supportive perspectives and then assisting clients to develop acceptable and useful patterns, alternatives which are more supportive of social interactions.
At any given time in the United Stated, up to 7 percent of the population may be diagnosed as having Social Anxiety. Of these, 30% will be diagnosed as having severe social anxiety. These percentages remain constant for the general population up til the age of 60. The average age of onset of social anxiety starts at 13. That is a long time to wait for things to change.
Changing the relationship to self and others
These fears are not likely to disappear on their own. It’s not about trying to control them, rather making neurological changes in the perspectives you hold of yourself, your environment and how you relate to these perspectives. It is about shifting the emotional associations held and letting them be supportive rather than intimidating.
Designed Thinking offers simple and safe alternatives to traditional methods, helping clients redesign and process negative beliefs and emotions effectively. We have been able to reach out and connect with people all across North America, from all walks of life. If you know you have to make a change in yourself, that these fears must stop, you might be one of many who is ready to participate in our one-on-one phone consultations in the comfort of your own home.
Transform Social Anxiety Into Self Expression
Where self support is missing, is where we seek the support of others. To change or improve the quality of ones life does requires taking the first steps to get started. Even in hesitation, most realize this is true and know they cannot continue to do nothing.
The process of change can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. For those who are ready to take the next step, Designed Thinking can help. The toll free number is 866-718-9995. Step out of fear and into the person you know you can be
How is social anxiety different than shyness?
If you go back 25 years or so, you’ll have a hard time finding the label of “Social Anxiety” in any text. Back then, anyone who had any type of discomfort around people was merely labeled as shy. There are those who believe (and there is proof to substantiate this) the term social anxiety was created as a marketing tool to increase the sales of certain anxiety medications. Since that time, the DMSV has included social anxiety as medical condition with some lose guidelines describing it. Like most mental or emotional conditions, these guidelings are very interpretive, yet some health practitioners will view them as an absolute structure.
To answer your question, it will depend on the health practitioner you ask. One of the primary functions of the DMSV is to give insurance companies a guideline for reimbursement. After all, if something is not defined as an illness or part of a some known condition, our current medical systems as a whole tends to dismiss it.